Tagged: racism

dubula ibhunu : shoot the boer

Nov 26, 2011. Enfant terrible Julius Malema, then president of the ANC Youth League, speaks at a memorial lecture in Rocklands. Three months later, the ANC expels him from the party. Malema had both his hands in many a cookie jar, broke into Shoot the Boer once too often, dissed Zuma and the party top elders till he ran out of credit with the dinosaurs. He is on trial facing corruption charges these days, but the Youth League still stands firmly behind its charismatic leader with the Breitling.

Exactly one year later, walking through Brussels late this afternoon. Speaking of shooting Afrikaner Boere, dairy farmers from as far as Poland and Denmark joined colleagues from Belgium, France, Germany and Holland today to spray the EU offices and the riot police with 15.000 litres of milk. Revendicating a fair price for their cows’ product, they caused a massive traffic jam in my beloved Brussels. In fact, they are unhappy because the EU keeps cutting down on the subsidies helping them to export their over-production. Never a dull moment in the capital of Europe where 28,3 % of the population lives below the poverty line. But that’s another story.

Walking home along the scenic route, down the steps of the Mont des Arts, I stumbled upon Time in Turkey, an open air exhibition I had completely forgotten about. Some braindead hate monger, of the racist persuasion no doubt,  had decided to share his views on women and/or islam with the world by vandalizing this beautiful portrait of a young Turkish textile worker by Claudine Doury (Agence VU).

pigs in space

It’s been a while since I last heard people yell US GO HOME but it happened in Brussels today where geopolitical think tank Euro-Rus had organized a meeting to express “Europe-Russia Solidarity” and protest against American imperialism (sic) in front of the US embassy. Young members of Nation, an extreme-right francophone organization with roots in the former Front National, have prepared a sketch. A big Bad Wolf representing the US is going to get his ass kicked by the Little Pigs. Says the kid: “Pigs? Of course. We are the pork-eaters, this is our land.”

On the bus going home, an elegant young muslima is on the phone with a friend, happily shooting the breeze. I hope she stays out of harm’s way, wish her a good and fulfilling life. Her accent tells me that she is fluent in both French and Flemish -she is speaking the latter- but sadly, that would not change a thing in the minds of the people at the demo if they cornered her, on ‘their’ turf.

Anti-fascist graffiti, Lisboa.